Month: January 2021

hearing loss

How To Prevent (and Deal With) Hearing Loss

While the thought of diminishing your ability to hear may sound troubling, it is more common than you might realize — with one out of three people experiencing a hearing impairment by the time they reach 65. Here are the most common causes for the loss of hearing that you should be aware of.

The Odor of Your Dreams

I woke up last week convinced that I could smell coffee. My husband, the coffee drinker in our household, was away for business and my 20-month-old son hasn’t yet discovered the substance so it seemed odd that there would be the familiar comforting aroma in the air. Within seconds of my waking up

Money & Memory: How Our Brains Evaluate Financial Risk and Reward

How does the human brain and memory evaluate risks, rewards, and probabilities, whether we gamble or invest? Let’s look at a few examples. On August 18, 1913, the ball on the Monte Carlo Casino’s roulette table landed on black 26 times in a row. The infamous Monte Carlo Fallacy was

Can Inherited Trauma Shape Your Health?

They are sometimes called “memorial candle” children. They are the second generation of holocaust survivors; with the names of their ancestors, they are living reconstructions of the life before. They are resilient and hard-working, but also more prone to develop anxiety disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder. And so are

“Flame Addiction”: The Neuroscience of Infidelity

When most people think of infidelity, they don’t think of injecting heroin or smoking crack cocaine. They ought to, because the behavior that takes place during an affair mimics exactly the behavior of a drug addict. Like a moth drawn to a candle’s glow, the person who is having an affair keeps


If Our DNA Doesn’t Make Humans Different From Chimps — What Does?

When we imagine the course of human evolution — the roughly three-million year period from the moment when Lucy began to walk upright through grasses of the Awash River Valley to modern times, it’s hard to determine the moment at which we became human, or at least as human as we might recognize ourselves. After all, there’s only

Save Me From Myself: Why People Feed The Need To Hoard

“It’s no one’s business but my own,” she states matter-of-factly. “It’s my stuff, I don’t know why everyone is so concerned. I keep food in case something happens, and a little mold never hurt anyone,” she says, amused. “It’s just like penicillin.” Julia is like most hoarders — blind to the conditions they live in. “If I wanted to throw

The Brain as Mediator: Exploring the Neuroscience of Conflict

In summer 2014, nearly 25,000 employees of Market Basket, a New England supermarket chain, walked off the job in support of their fired boss, billionaire Arthur T. Demoulas. Even customers, in support of the workers, stopped shopping at the chain. The two new CEOs first fired eight strike leaders, and then offered a series of ultimatums.


Creating A Relaxing Bedroom To Improve Your Sleep

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary and a place you go to feel at ease and get a good night’s sleep. Sleep is essential to you functioning to the best of your ability and feeling full of energy each day. Without sleep, you risk feeling moody or down and making silly mistakes that could have been avoided. Setting up a relaxing bedroom

Expand Your Wits and Horizon (with Neuroplasticity)

Here’s a small experiment for you: In a notebook or on a piece of paper, jot down a memory of a time when you were happy. Include details — what you were doing, what you were seeing, and how you felt. Don’t forget the sensory details — what did it smell like around you? What were the sounds

Being SAD: Living with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Since she was a child, “Francine,” a 35-year-old lawyer, knew that she craved sunshine but she never knew why. She was a fair-skinned, blue-eyed blonde who realized that sun exposure could be dangerous and promote melanomas. But there was never enough light in the winter for her, and it made her feel

brain health

The Top 10 Ways For A Healthier Brain (As We Age)

We often don’t realize exactly what we can do to safeguard our brain health as we get older, including significantly lowering our risks for diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Here are the top 10 ways, and they might just surprise you.

Meeting the Challenges of Adult ADHD

Who doesn’t have attention problems these days? We jump from Facebook to Twitter to headline news and back to the work we were supposed to be doing. We’re distracted with worries about our kids, our parents, germs, terrorism, politics, and money. But there are some people who struggle more than the rest of us.

Recovering Your Human Integrity: An Interview with Ilchi Lee

These days we hear of “neuro”-scientific findings everywhere. All kinds of industries depend on understanding revolving brain functions in an effort of expanding and making better sense of their own work. Neuromarketing, neuro-oncology, neuro-ophtalmology, neuroeconomics, neuropsychopharmacology — you name it!

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We believe that neuroscience is the next great scientific frontier, and that advances in understanding the nature of the brain, consciousness, behavior, and health will transform human life in this century.

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