Month: March 2021


What Neuroscience Tells Us About Transgender People

Is transgenderism a choice or a medical condition — and what does the neuroscience tell us? Some seem to believe that changing gender is a willful choice. In January 2019, the Supreme Court ruled 5–4 to allow then-President Donald Trump to curtail the military service of transgender individuals. President Joe Biden removed

The Myth Of Multitasking

In today’s modern, technologically advanced world, with e-mail and smartphones and Twitter and Facebook demanding all of our attention all of the time — even as we work, socialize and play — multitasking may seem like the only answer. But science cautions us to restrict multitasking

Does Yoga Benefit The Brain?

The answer is an overwhelming yes. One study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience employed MRI scans to reveal that there were increases in gray matter in the brains of yogis. These gains were seen in a variety of regions, including “the somatosensory cortex, which contains a mental map of our body …


Tell Your Brain To Take A Hike — Your Brain Will Thank You

Of course, the restorative effects of nature have long been known, if not scientifically proven. What better way to take a break from our harried modern routines than spend a weekend in the country? It may seem obvious, but when science investigates common sense it often yields uncommon insights. Would you have thought, for example

Find Your Meditation (and Create Your Happiness)

Human emotion is a strong response coming out of our mental activities. Emotion itself is only a brain function; it is neither positive nor negative. Fear makes you avoid danger, resentment makes you fight, and loving makes you care for others. People cannot remove their emotions from

The Mind of a Dog Revealed

It’s no surprise that dogs make us happy. A wide range of research has been done on how dogs affect the human brain, as well as our emotional and physical well-being. But until this point, the research has been one-sided. We’ve only been able to study our brains.

Your Spring Awakening: Mind, Body, and Soul

As the temperatures rise and the flowers start to bloom, do you catch the spring cleaning bug? If so, you’re not alone. When the bright, warm rays of spring sunlight begin to finally stream through our windows, most of us feel the urge to make sure everything in our homes is fresh, shiny, and

Discovering Happiness By The Numbers

Are you happy? Fewer questions are more open-ended or catch us by surprise than this one. How happy should we be and how often? Our usual instinct is to say “yes” — but we probably answer more reluctantly than usual. It’s a moment when it’s almost impossible to not compare the life

Why The Brain Needs Nature For Its Health

The Industrial Revolution brought many blessings to humanity, such as increased standards of living, improved educational opportunities and game-changing technological innovations. Yet it all came with a sense of loss, especially in regard to our connection to nature, as we moved away from an agrarian way of life. Most obviously

5 Ways To Flip the Switch On Misery

People who complain excessively think they are expressing their feelings about their lives — but they do it repeatedly, incessantly, and annoyingly — to anyone who will listen. Of course, none of it is their fault — they feel like helpless victims, that there is nothing to do to change what they perceive as pitiful circumstances.


How Travel Benefits Your Brain

As vaccinations become more widely distributed across the world, you may find that you are finally in a place where you can enjoy travel again. Especially with all the recent stresses from the pandemic, taking a vacation might just be the thing you need — and a growing body of evidence shows that travel is very good for your brain.

Memory Keepers: What You Can Do for Your Brain

If the inability to recall where you put your keys, parked your car, or remember the name of someone you just met has you convinced you’re losing your mind, you’re not alone — or off the mark. As you get older, your brain loses mass as cells die out, and memory goes with them.

The Wonder of Math: A Conversation With Danica McKellar

When you were a kid, did you have an easy time with math? Were you the type of student who intuitively took to it or were you in the other category, struggling to get the concepts and struggling even more to apply them in real life? Many young adults tend to experience difficulty mastering

Discovering Your “Sharing” Brain

If you’re a parent of a toddler, then there’s one monosyllabic phrase that undoubtedly punctuates your days: “Mine!” Children are good at many things that might give grown-ups green horns — such as touching their toes and falling asleep anywhere, to name just a few — but it seems that sharing

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