Posts by Amy Klein

4 Simple Secrets To Brain Health

Don’t view stress as a problem, but as a challenge. A skier on a mountaintop may interpret her pounding heart, fast breathing and sweaty palms as fear or excitement. Every stressful situation creates physiological symptoms — but you can decide how to play it.

5 Reasons Your Brain Loves The Summer

Health, Stories, Wellness

For the first day of summer (at least if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere),  here are five things your brain looks forward to in this time of year — without clueing you in on how important these activities are to your brain’s health.

This Is Your Brain on Games

Do you love doing crossword puzzles or playing sudoku because you think it keeps your mind sharp? Well, think again. “Most of those things don’t have a measurable impact — if it makes people happy to play them that’s good, but it doesn’t make them smarter,” says Steven Aldrich