We all have the same 24 hours in the day, right? Well … we all have our own responsibilities and needs, and even though you may have that best friend who manages to run their own company — and take care of their three kids — while you’re still yawning on the train to work … please don’t take that as a sign you mismanage your time.
Posts by Dani Samsonov
Why You Need A Primary Care Physician
Having a primary care physician is a no-brainer. Your regular doctor can keep you on track, provide access to specialists when necessary, and ensure that you have routine screenings, like mammograms for women or prostate exams for men. They can also help monitor your family’s health by linking conditions together through
Focusing on Wellness While Working From Home
In light of COVID-19, tens of thousands of people had to make the adjustment to that work from home life. But as we’ve all learned, there’s more to successfully working from home than setting up a desk in your bedroom, investing in a high-end coffee machine and fake laughing every time
Eliminating Loneliness In The Loneliest Time Ever
There have been lonely times in the past, but none as lonely as the COVID-19 pandemic. Regardless of your situation, it’s very likely that there has hardly ever been a period where you’ve had to stay home as much as you have in recent months.
The Wellness Approach To Home Improvement
When you look to renovate, upgrade, and otherwise improve the home, what are you doing it for? You might have practical needs to be taken care of. You might even be focused on improving the value of the home. But you should think of how the home affects your mental and emotional