Posts by Earl Meagan

Discovering Happiness By The Numbers

Are you happy? Fewer questions are more open-ended or catch us by surprise than this one. How happy should we be and how often? Our usual instinct is to say “yes” — but we probably answer more reluctantly than usual. It’s a moment when it’s almost impossible to not compare the life

4 Tips To Overcome The Stress Of A New Job

There are few happier feelings than the moment you finally get the phone call or acceptance letter. You got the job you’ve been agonizing over for weeks and soon you’ll be taking home a new paycheck. Yet, on the night before your first day, or maybe after the first round of job training, you might begin

Mob Mentality: The Madness of the Crowd

While we probably dread the long lines on the city commute home from work, we’ll probably shuffle through the line, watching each other for directions and social cues. On any given day, you may find yourself trusting a random stranger for directions more than a bus station timetable or a gateway sign.

Falling Out of Focus: What Science Says About ADHD

I typically wake up when my iPhone reads 8:42 a.m. A full minute later, I’m scanning my inbox on my phone, checking for new messages. I might get lucky and find a few worth responding to, and maybe I will write back right then and there, but, more likely, I’ll start a new draft of my reply

Joy And How to Find It (Where You Might Be Overlooking)

Joy is not in things; it is in us. It sounds simple enough — but it’s an aphorism that’s all too easy to forget as we live our day-to-day lives. Too many moments are spent simply trying to make ends meet — even when we think that promotion or that new apartment is bound to make us happier, more content

Assimilated: The Clout of Cults on Identity

As he told it, Ron lived epic. As a youth, he befriended Calvin Coolidge Jr., the son of the president, became a full blood brother of the Pikuni tribe, and won a string of navy battles in the Atlantic and Pacific theaters respectively during World War II. After the war, he pursued his love of writing full time

Not Fading Away: 6 Ways to Age Gracefully

The legendary film star Bette Davis once lamented, “Getting old is not for sissies.” She may have been right. As we advance in years, we come to terms with the idea that we won’t be around forever, that the days are inevitably passing us by. The good news is that you need not despair