Posts by Liz Belilovskaya

Flu And Fever Fun: Dealing With This Common Illness

Health, Stories

I had plans for my week off — but here I am sitting in a pool of formally white tissues — now covered in an array of tinted mucus. With my collection of antihistamines, decongestants, and anti-inflammatory drugs, I started to wonder about what was happening to my body’s immune system. Was it still fighting for me — or did it bail

7 Steps To Better Relationships

We all want to have healthy and positive interactions with other people. Yet sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we simply can’t seem to achieve this goal. Much of our interpersonal conflict stems from how we communicate. Since communication is a multifaceted process involving two or more people, it’s important to

It Takes Guts: An Interview with Dr. Michael D. Gershon

Dr. Michael D. Gershon is all about the gut. Renowned for his pioneering work on the enteric nervous system and the role of serotonin within it, he’s been respectfully dubbed the “father of neurogastroenterology.” As the author of “The Second Brain: A Groundbreaking New Understanding of Nervous Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine,”

Playing With Your Balls (It’s Not What You Think!)

Health, Stories, Wellness

Some would say that I am a nervous person. I often don’t know specifically what gives it away, but I tend to be a bit jittery. I also don’t sleep regularly, work too much, and don’t get out of the city often. All of these factors probably contribute to my ongoing nervousness, as well as my unfriendly neighbors. So, I certainly would like to

Music: It’s Got the Power To Move You

You know that feeling you get when your favorite party track starts playing on the radio? Your feet start tapping to the beat, your body begins swaying to the rhythm, and your head bops side to side; you suddenly realize that you’re on the verge of breaking into dance because somehow

Discovering Synesthesia: Loud Apples and Green Mondays

Arts, Blog, People, Science, Stories

As a writer, I tend to cover a wide range of topics, and in the process, I usually get to learn something new. One of these topics is music. Every once in a while, I get to write an album review; doing so allows me to familiarize myself with the artists. This week, I learned about Annamaria Pinna, lead singer