Posts by Roman Rogers

Why Wealth Management Isn’t Just For The Wealthy

Resources, Stories

When people think of the term wealth management, they usually think of very rich families with lots of money and assets to manage. It could be a situation in which there are lots of different companies under a family’s name, or it could be a lot of property that a family owns and they are currently collecting rent from.

8 Travel Tips For Smooth Trips In Retirement

Stories, Wellness

It is never too late to experience the world! Whether you are 18 or 78, it’s nearly always possible for anyone who wants a taste of adventure. The only thing that changes will be how you do it. When you’re 18 years old, you might opt to hop on a plane and figure it out after landing. However, we understand that may be somewhat difficult when

Best Sleeping Positions For Lower Back Pain

Health, Stories, Wellness

It is simply amazing to hear just how many people have to deal with chronic back pain. According to the American Chiropractic Association, approximately 31 million people in the U.S. are dealing with pain issues in their backs. The fact is your body does break down as we age. People start to experience things like degeneration of