Of course, the restorative effects of nature have long been known, if not scientifically proven. What better way to take a break from our harried modern routines than spend a weekend in the country? It may seem obvious, but when science investigates common sense it often yields uncommon insights. Would you have thought, for example
Posts by Russell Andrews
This Is Your Brain on Stress
Hey there. It’s me, your brain. Thanks for taking me on this walk in the woods, it’s just what I needed. Ah, nature. So lovely. So relaxing. Wait, wow, what was that noise? Over there, coming from those bushes right next to the path? That huge thing covered in black fur, rearing up on its hind legs and baring its teeth?
Paradise Now! Humanity’s Quest for Utopia
It is only by first imagining a better world that we can begin to create it. Right now, in the face of a financial crisis, global warming and myriad human conflicts, a peaceful future may seem distant. But it is worth remembering that out of hard times comes real change. During the French Revolution
Recovery is a State of Mind: An Interview with Dr. Yehuda Ben-Yishay
A brain injury is a devastating event. Today, thanks partially to new operating procedures, but owing mostly to a better understanding of neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to regenerate and adapt) and the psychology of recovery, survivors often bounce back and are able to live fulfilling lives.
Expanding Mental Health in Pakistan
Khusro Elley is the director of a psychiatric hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, which provides free treatment for the mentally ill. A former vice president of Ethan Allen furniture who has devoted himself to philanthropy, Elley opened a small nonprofit rehabilitation center for psychiatric patients in summer 2010.
Memory Man: An Interview with Dr. Eric Kandel
Eric Kandel was attracted to the science of the human brain due to his interest in psychotherapy. Where, he wondered, are the Freudian id, ego, and superego located? He soon discovered that even the simplest mental processes were mysteries at the time.
New Values, New Culture, New World: An Interview with Ilchi Lee
“We must change our way of thinking about these beliefs and the values that we are pursuing in our lives, because our culture and civilization is based upon our life’s values and beliefs. Now, we must choose hope to overcome the obstacles
This Is Your Brain … On Love
Faith in love is a little like faith in God: extremely important to our lives, yet rarely examined. Perhaps we don’t really want something that we cherish to be dissected on a lab table. Love is one of those things that seem enhanced by a little mystery. But scientists know better than anyone that behind every mystery lies another, deeper mystery.