Implementing a brain-friendly, “happiness school” culture and informing teachers about how the students’ brains react in various social interactions in the classroom have positive effects on student learning and behavior. Faculty and staff training sessions have been conducted in these areas, and periodic training
Posts by Warrington S. Parker Jr., Ph.D. and Brenda A. Parker
The Bullied Mind
Bullying by elementary and high school students has been around for as long as anyone can remember. However, the modern form of bullying, using texting, email, and social media is much more recent. The use of technology for bullying, known as cyberbullying, has made bullying far more widespread and vicious
Down and Out and Going to School
Teachers in schools with students living in prolonged poverty often get frustrated. In areas where a majority of students live in poverty, teachers often complain about students’ chronic tardiness, the high rate of absenteeism, lack of motivation to study, low academic achievement, disruptive