
How Secrets Make Us Sick

Are you familiar with the 2005 film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”? It’s a fantastic romantic action comedy about two married assassins who work for competing firms. The punch line here is that each of them believes their spouse to be a regular civilian — that is, until their companies team up and try to have them kill each other.

Video Games According to “Brain Age” Creator Ryuta Kawashima

Dr. Ryuta Kawashima has been interested in the human brain ever since he was in the eighth grade. Curious about the role of human beings in the world and how the trajectory of our species would pan out in the future, he dreamed of downloading his own brain into a computer to witness

The Man Who Couldn’t Feel

“Christina Taylor” (not her real name) recalled her early impressions of her husband of 18 years, “David,” as being emotionally steady. “I never saw any emotion, but I didn’t think much about it then, because he was so level-headed, and never angry,” says Christina, a 48-year-old science teacher in Michigan.

Creative Listening: How Music Can Boost Your Creativity

When you think of “creativity,” you might conjure up images of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” or of a writer spending long hours agonizing over her next novel, hoping to be the next Joyce Carol Oates. While these are certainly monumentally important creative endeavors, this knee-jerk reaction

Night Eating Syndrome: Causes and Concerns

Do you consume more than a quarter of your daily calories after your evening meal? Do you have trouble falling asleep or suffer from insomnia during the night? Is your appetite for breakfast generally lacking?  If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, you have a condition called “night eating syndrome”

Unjunk Your Junk Food: Consider “Thirst Quenching”

When we hear the phrase “junk food” — we know it means the calorie and fat filled chips and sugar-laden candies, cookies, and goodies that fill store shelves and vending machines. But there’s been a rapid rise in a new wave of junk for quite some time.

Exploring Where Your Food Travels (In You)

“Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal” explores some of the taboos and controversies related to our inner world of guts and mucus, such as academic disagreements on what the ideal standards for excrement frequency, consistency, and shape ought to be. However, author Mary Roach also

What is Consciousness? Dr. Michael Graziano on Attention Schema Theory

“To approach consciousness scientifically, we can’t start with an assumption of magic,” Dr. Michael Graziano claims. The brain’s knowledge of itself is too biased and sketchy to rely on intuition. Instead, he suggests a purely rationalist approach looking at how the brain attributes awareness to itself

5 Ways to Eat Sexy This Summer

Who doesn’t want to feel sexy in the summertime, when the sun is out and “the living is easy”? Along with exercising every day, here are five quick-fix tips for revving your energy, improving your mood and mind, and maybe even helping you drop a few pounds in the process.

Losing Our Identity and The Need for Cultural Neuroscience

Hurricane Harvey saw tens of thousands of Texans forced from their homes. Two weeks later Irma saw 6.5 million Americans flee, clustering in uncomfortable shelters, a small taste of the refugee life experienced by 66 million people across the world today. Some Texas residents and Floridians experienced

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