
Finding “Christmas Spirit” In Your Brain

The holiday season seems to fall earlier and earlier each year as stores put out their decorations and marked-down merchandise and radio stations start playing Christmas music. Yet somehow, our feelings always remain the same, whether joyous or anxious. You might look forward to a time of year when you visit with

Finding Your Way Through Life (One Step At A Time)

Life is tricky thing for many of us to figure out — there always seems to be something blocking our way or making us feel hopeless — even when that is not true. Life can feel like a series of twists and turns, which means that all you can do is navigate them the best you can. It’s not always going to be easy, in fact, a lot of the time it’s going

Improving Your Health And Well-Being In The New Year

The end of the year is a time when many hope to improve their health and well-being in the new year. While the holidays may not be the best time to start, once those festivities have passed, it’s not a bad idea to have a plan in place for the changes that you’d like to make. The choices you make will depend entirely on you — so here are

Live Well, Feel Well: 7 Tips for Healthy Living

With the flu season and lots of inevitable time spent indoors, fall and winter aren’t for everyone. Whether you’re managing seasonal allergies, recovering from an illness, or just looking to strengthen your immune system so you don’t get sick next winter, here are seven simple things

Caring For A Sick Child: The Best Practices

Being a parent or caregiver is not easy. It’s hard to know what to do when you feel like your child is sick, and it can be even more difficult to know how to care for them at home. You might go online and look for information or ask friends about their methods of dealing with a child’s sickness — and you will get a variety of opinions. Some will

Planning Your Golden Years With Care And Attention

As we move on from middle age and begin to enter into our golden years, it’s critical to find value in our day-to-day experiences — to take risks and enjoy experiences that we have always wanted to have. If you can spend your time curating those experiences — as well as connecting to those most important to you — you are indeed

The Worst Habits For Your Mental Health

If you’re trying to focus on creating a positive and healthy attitude towards managing your mental health both in the present and future, then you need to be aware of not only what you can do to live a happier life — you also need to think about what you need to avoid. There are some habits, both mental and physical, that are going to

7 Ways To Protect Your Brain As You Age

You probably don’t think about it often, but your risk of cognitive decline and developing dementia increases as the years go by. However, some age-related problems can be prevented by taking care of your brain today. The positive news is that there are numerous things that you can do — to protect your brain and keep yourself healthy

How To Stay Fit And Healthy While Gardening

There’s a lot to love about gardening. For many people, it provides them with a purpose and a focus, and it also can be a great form of exercise as well. However, it can also take its toll on your body and impact your health in various ways. That’s why it’s important to consider the ways in which you can look after yourself and protect your

Squeezing More Time Out Of Your Day

We all have the same 24 hours in the day, right? Well … we all have our own responsibilities and needs, and even though you may have that best friend who manages to run their own company — and take care of their three kids — while you’re still yawning on the train to work … please don’t take that as a sign you mismanage your time.

The Reality Of Shopping Addiction

Buzz Bissinger, author of the book “Friday Night Lights,” once wrote an extraordinary story in GQ Magazine where he admitted to owning 81 leather jackets, dozens of pairs of boots and leather gloves, a $5,000 pair of pants, and a $22,000 coat. He had recently attended Milan Fashion Week as an all-expenses paid guest of Gucci — and said

The Ultimate (Culinary) Multitasker: A Cook’s Brain

My first cookbook, given to me as a hand-me-down at age 6, was a tattered old copy of the 1959 classic “Betty Crocker’s Cook Book for Boys and Girls.” Filled with brightly colored illustrations, it opened up the world of food to me beyond table manners and commands to “Eat your vegetables.”

How Your Environment Affects Your Emotions

If you think that your environment and your emotions are two entirely separate things — think again! It turns out that there are profound and intimate links between them, and one is not always separable from the other. Living in a dirty, messy home, for instance, has been shown to be damaging to mental health. It creates chaos and clutter

Mentally Preparing For A Major Life Change

From leaving school to experiencing the death of a loved one, we all go through big changes in our life — whether we want to or not. Often, we have no choice but to adapt to these changes. However, while we may go through the motions — many of us can take a while to mentally adapt. By mentally preparing yourself beforehand, big life

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