
Can Addiction Be Positive?

Is there such a thing as “positive” addiction? It sounds contradictory. But what exactly is addiction? An issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter advises us that uncontrollable craving and prolonged use of a substance are involved. The idea of craving was highlighted by research in the 1990s

Brain Basics: Know Your Brain

Frontal Lobe: Part of the cortex, the frontal lobe is a key area in the brain involved in memory, problem solving, language, judgment, impulse control, social behavior and motor function. In a sense, this is where much of our “self” and personality is located. It is also home to executive function

Syncing To The Rhythms Of Vibrant Health

Such a response is not unusual. After all, what kind of results can you get just by rocking your head back and forth or shaking your body? Conventional wisdom suggests real results only come through a lot of sweat and sore muscles. Could it really be that such a simple exercise can result in remarkable improvements in health?

What Your Handwriting Says About Your Native Language

I puzzled for a long while at why my dad’s handwriting had such an exotic tilt to it, why his letters slanted a certain way, and how I knew that it was his handwriting no matter what. And why other family members, or even friends, wrote like him. And why, even if I didn’t know the person, but saw their handwriting

A (Very) Brief History of Neuroscience

The great Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle believed that our consciousness, imagination and memory was rooted in the human heart. It was a belief he shared with the ancient Egyptians, whose Book of the Dead endorses carefully preserving the heart of a mummy, but recommends scooping out and discarding the brain.

How Effective Are Nootropics (aka “Smart” Pills)?

In reality, there is scant research on the subject of brain-enhancing “smart pills.” This doesn’t stop people from creating them, consuming them, and extoling their alleged virtues. There even exists an online community of advocates who exchange recipes for “stacks” (DIY nootropics)

Tuning in to the Earth’s Natural Rhythm

Do you feel generally happier and more peaceful when you’re out in nature, away from noise, traffic jams and neon lights? It is not just that you left the city behind. Or that you’re a person who likes nature. In nature, your body more easily tunes into the Earth’s frequency and can restore, revitalize and heal itself

Your Brain on Jazz

Listening to the velvet nuances of jazz may be a musical dessert for the ears, but it can also help reduce anxiety and improve one’s focus. Asked why jazz could have such an effect, Dr. Mark Jude Tramo, a professor at the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music, says that, “jazz stretches

Your Brain on Pumpkin Pie

You take a slow bite of the pumpkin pie, a hint of cinnamon behind the rich pumpkin flavor. With a crumbly crust and thick whipped cream, you’re settling into autumn…

Global Giving Bonus Day: Help Students Get to the United Nations

This August, IBREA Foundation is hosting a conference on Youth Mental Well-Being at the United Nations. We have carefully selected four exemplary students from our brain education programs that we feel would benefit most from attending this event. With your contributions we will be able to fund the transportation

Can Birth Control Thin Your Brain?

The advent of birth control has revolutionized the role of females in society: women now have control over when (and if) they want to have a family, allowing them to…

Exploring “The Substance: Albert Hofmann’s LSD”

It was supposed to be the holy grail of psychiatry, but a person’s best intentions are no match for forces outside his control. In the documentary “The Substance: Albert Hofmann’s LSD,” filmmaker Martin Witz sets out to explore the scientific, cultural, and spiritual history of a chemical compound with

How Smoke And Carbon Monoxide Will Affect You

Most homeowners know that they don’t want to have a fire in their home, and they don’t want high carbon monoxide levels. However, few homeowners really understand how serious even a small fire in the home can be and how carbon monoxide can affect them, their family and their pets.

Babies Can Swim! When to Begin Swim Lessons and Why

Swimming is such fun and it is a wonderful way to stay healthy for life! Did you know that babies can develop a passion for swimming? They are born with a love for the water so parents can go together on an exciting adventure as their child learns about water and eventually learns to swim!

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A magazine dedicated to the brain.

We believe that neuroscience is the next great scientific frontier, and that advances in understanding the nature of the brain, consciousness, behavior, and health will transform human life in this century.

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