
Overcoming Perfectionism During The Pandemic

On the surface, perfectionists seem to possess an abundance of admirable qualities: they are exceptionally driven, detail-oriented, and highly motivated. But the flawless image they present to others may actually be masking serious distress. “One of the big concerns about perfectionists is they often put on a front,” says

Finding Your Natural Rhythm To Sleep Well

Sleep is integral to a healthy life. It helps our bodies heal quicker — and our brains to rebuild so that they can function to the best way possible. Despite this many people aren’t sure of how much sleep they should be getting and how that can affect their brain function throughout the day.

Exploring The Brain-Changing Magic Of Novelty

Make your lives extraordinary — it seems like good advice, if not a bit too broad to pin down. All too often, we find ourselves trapped in a routine that can sometimes be hard to break, finding comfort in predictability, but every so often, we’ll see something unique — or hear about someone else’s vacation described in bold detail, and decide

Can Neurofeedback “Perfect” Your Memories?

Computational neuroscientists are working in the proof-of-concept stages for a therapeutic treatment known as decoded neurofeedback (DecNef) in which the brain accumulates and processes neural signals and can modify select ones using computer algorithms.

How Your Brain Processes Language

Most writers forget that our brains have anything to do with the words we write — that writer’s block, passion and creativity are not solely the property of our suspicious unconscious. So how do we process language? And how does that neural activity translate into the art of writing?

Dumping Dimorphism: We Don’t Have “Male” Or “Female” Brains

Dr. Lise Eliot, a professor of neuroscience from the University of Chicago, has been analyzing the field for a long time — looking at three decades of research on gender differences in the human brain, only to come to a conclusion that at once seems groundbreaking and yet not really all that surprising: There are no significant

Know Your Brain: Neurogenesis — A Germ Of A Thought

Fewer ideas in neuroscience have been as fundamentally wrong and widespread as the notion that the human brain doesn’t generate new cells — that we have a peak number of neurons once we reach adulthood and can’t grow new ones — with only a short window of time to build up all the smarts we will ever have in life.

The Olympian Mind: The Field of Human Potential

Once again the Olympics are upon us, displaying excellence in mind, body, and spirit. As a neuroscientist, neuropsychiatrist, and author in the field of human potential, I am always riveted, watching all the nations of the world come together to push the envelope of human physical and mental potential. How strong can we become? How fast can we go?

Staying In Touch: The Secrets To Long-Lasting Relationships

You want a better, more loving relationship with your spouse. You wish your friends visited more often, your children stayed in touch more frequently. You wonder if it weren’t possible to have better relationships at work and in the community. What can you do to build long-term, perhaps life-long relationships

To Age Well, Don’t Leave Your Brain On Autopilot

Usually, once they’re old, people don’t stimulate their brains much. From your brain’s perspective, it’s as if its boss doesn’t inspire it to work hard. A basic principle of your brain’s operation is that it improves when stimulated and declines without stimulation. Hopes and dreams are the greatest stimuli we can give

The Best Natural Medicine? Nature Itself

According to Tierney Thys of National Geographic “As of 2010, we have officially become an urban species. More of us live in cities than don’t, and that is a trend that is continuing and accelerating … The average North American and European spends 90% of their time indoors.”

How To Keep Calm And Carry On

One of my scientific heroes, positive psychology researcher Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, published a study showing that the largest variable in determining our level of life satisfaction is “resilience” — the ability to bounce back quickly from life’s small and large upsets. It wasn’t having a great boss or a happy family

Maximizing Your Efficiency And Staying On Task

If you’re reading this, there’s a decent chance that you have a cognitively challenging task you’ve vowed to complete one day — whether it’s writing a novel or just finishing a crossword puzzle. Some of you might be halfway through completing it, but just can’t find the stamina to get it finished — so daily interruptions like

Why You Can’t “Just Say No”: An Interview With Dr. Joseph Frascella

Dr. Joseph Frascella, director of NIDA’s Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Research Division, heads a broad drug abuse and addiction program of translational research and research training in clinical neuroscience, human development and behavioral treatment. He discusses how drug addiction changes the brain

The Neuroscience Of Lying

Lying is natural. It’s actually pretty necessary for our survival. Can you imagine always having to tell the truth? “How old do you think I am?” or “Do you like my cooking?” are questions we don’t always want to answer honestly, and so we don’t. While additional inquires are often suspended after

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