
Aging is a natural process in life but for some, it may be associated with difficulties in carrying out activities of daily living. Old people may lack the strength, flexibility,…

Cutting It Down To Size

The Practicing Brain Practice makes perfect. You’ve probably had the phrase drilled into your head for quite some time – and grown to believe that there’s some merit to it…


How Our Brains Define Our Sense of Self Whether we are aware of it or not, we all spend each day traveling through time. Every day, we take a step…


Not Even Close: Your Brain on Telecommuting As we enter the third year of the pandemic, it seems ever more likely that remote work will be staying with us for…

The Brain In High Temps

As the world gets warmer, extreme heat days – once a phenomenon of midsummer, are now an inevitable fact of life. You’re not just imagining it – the summers are…

Why Do We Daydream?

Why do we daydream? We tend to think of this as why we have lapses in concentration that often lead us to thoughts we have no control over, but rarely…

The Health Realities You Face As You Age

Are you worried about getting older? It’s true that there are certain realities that you need to face head on — particularly when thinking about your health. Here are some of the common concerns that people have about their health as they age. First, let’s address the elephant in the room — you cannot realistically talk about the health

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Chronic Pain

Are you experiencing chronic pain? Chronic pain is something that can easily impact your overall quality of life. You might find that it causes you to struggle with certain activities that you used to love, and it could even impact whether or not you can work effectively. Here are some key facts about chronic pain to help you tackle this health condition

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