
10 All-Natural Remedies for Pain Relief

Early on in my career as a professional fitness trainer, I realized that it was not the lack of will or desire that kept a large percentage of my clientele from reaching their fitness goals; it was the presence of chronic, debilitating pain. The most common types of pain limiting the client’s motion were neck and back pain, often related to injuries.

Healthy Living and Magnetism

Biomagnetism is present in all living organisms because of their interaction with the Earth’s magnetic field. Thanks to a discovery by the 16th century English astronomer and physicist William Gilbert, we know that the Earth is a massive magnet, due to the circling electric currents in its liquid outer core.

Aging with a Bilingual Brain

Adaptation of the brain could also be the reason older bilinguals with Alzheimer’s show fewer signs of cognitive malfunction than those who only speak one language. “The brain is more robust, its abilities and functionality are more distributed, so when Alzheimer’s begins to take effect, a bilingual’s brain

Your Brain On A Diet

A diet is a prescribed selection of foods. In the West, it’s long been advocated as a way of losing weight. Other benefits touted are improved health, sleep, circulation, and even a longer life. As consumers, we are constantly bombarded with new diets. But what do these plans do to our brains?

Migraines Could Change Brain Structure

Studies estimate that between 10 and 13 percent of Americans suffer from migraines. If you’ve ever suffered from one, then you know firsthand the incapacitating discomfort that a migraine entails: throbbing pain, blurred vision, nausea, and sensitivity to light or sound are all

An Explorer’s Guide to Epigenetics

You just might be stuck with that crooked nose or receding hairline, but no longer are you sentenced to cancer, diabetes, depression, and other unwelcome inheritances from your forebears. The science of epigenetics is teaching us how we can better understand and perhaps override specific genetic tendencies.

The Brains Behind The Orgasm

Science is now taking a closer look at our most intimate experience to discover the inner workings of the human orgasm. Armed with fMRIs and PET scanners, neuroscientists are now able to see what the brain looks like during the peak of sexual fulfillment.

The Happy School Campaign in South Korea

South Korea’s academic environment is extremely competitive, and many Korean people regard getting into a prestigious university as a prerequisite to success. This kind of atmosphere in society puts great pressure on young people, often resulting in extreme social problems like youth suicide.

Can Addiction Be Positive?

Is there such a thing as “positive” addiction? It sounds contradictory. But what exactly is addiction? An issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter advises us that uncontrollable craving and prolonged use of a substance are involved. The idea of craving was highlighted by research in the 1990s

Syncing To The Rhythms Of Vibrant Health

Such a response is not unusual. After all, what kind of results can you get just by rocking your head back and forth or shaking your body? Conventional wisdom suggests real results only come through a lot of sweat and sore muscles. Could it really be that such a simple exercise can result in remarkable improvements in health?

How Effective Are Nootropics (aka “Smart” Pills)?

In reality, there is scant research on the subject of brain-enhancing “smart pills.” This doesn’t stop people from creating them, consuming them, and extoling their alleged virtues. There even exists an online community of advocates who exchange recipes for “stacks” (DIY nootropics)

Tuning in to the Earth’s Natural Rhythm

Do you feel generally happier and more peaceful when you’re out in nature, away from noise, traffic jams and neon lights? It is not just that you left the city behind. Or that you’re a person who likes nature. In nature, your body more easily tunes into the Earth’s frequency and can restore, revitalize and heal itself

Your Brain on Jazz

Listening to the velvet nuances of jazz may be a musical dessert for the ears, but it can also help reduce anxiety and improve one’s focus. Asked why jazz could have such an effect, Dr. Mark Jude Tramo, a professor at the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music, says that, “jazz stretches

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