
Nod Your Head Up And Down (And Make Yourself Happy)

Did you know that research has found when you nod your head up and down at least 100 times a day, looking up at the ceiling and down at your toes, your vision will improve? You are strengthening the muscles in your neck and increasing blood circulation to the head and eyes. The stimulation from the neck also travels down the spine

What to Eat (And What To Avoid) For A Healthy Brain

We all know that subsisting on cheeseburgers and pizza is bad for our waistlines and our heart health, and we’ve been told from an early age to “Eat your vegetables — or there will be no dessert!” When we consider that two-thirds of Americans are now overweight or obese, the implications of current nutritional research are important

Why You Need A Primary Care Physician

Having a primary care physician is a no-brainer. Your regular doctor can keep you on track, provide access to specialists when necessary, and ensure that you have routine screenings, like mammograms for women or prostate exams for men. They can also help monitor your family’s health by linking conditions together through

Brain Refreshing: Working Skillfully With Emotions

When you imagine a life without laughter, excitement, apprehension, or sorrow, it’s flat and formless — it hardly seems to be life at all. In your own life, isn’t it clear that you bring valuable emotion to the most important decisions you make? You seek strong relationships, success, and money in large part because

Taking The Best Care Of Your Teeth (Oral Health Matters!)

Having good teeth can at times be a hard feat. Growing up, we all like to eat lots of sweets and sugary things that taste delicious — but are terrible for our teeth. When we grow up, we often pick up bad habits as adults that greatly impact our oral health. To take the best care of your teeth, here is some advice to make healthy lifestyle

If You Can Read This Headline, You Can Read A Novel

In 2016, the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts reported the proportion of American adults who read at least one novel in 2015 had dropped to 43.1% from 56.9% in 1982. In 2018, a U.S. academic reported that in 1980, 60% of 18-year-old school students read

Improving Your Total Health For A Happier You

Improving your health can take a lot of work — especially when you look at your total health, which includes both physical and mental well-being. There are so many different factors to consider about your total health — and for many it can feel like you are stepping into a minefield. The most important thing to realize is to take one step

The Olympian Mind: The Field of Human Potential

Once again the Olympics are upon us, displaying excellence in mind, body, and spirit. As a neuroscientist, neuropsychiatrist, and author in the field of human potential, I am always riveted, watching all the nations of the world come together to push the envelope of human physical and mental potential. How strong can we become? How fast can we go?

10 Ways To Work Out Your Brain In 5 Minutes Or Less

Sometimes we have five minutes with nothing to do — you’re stuck in a line, for example, or waiting at the doctor’s office. Why not make good use of that time and give your brain a little stretch? Here are 10 great mini-workouts you can do in just five minutes or less.

Staying In Touch: The Secrets To Long-Lasting Relationships

You want a better, more loving relationship with your spouse. You wish your friends visited more often, your children stayed in touch more frequently. You wonder if it weren’t possible to have better relationships at work and in the community. What can you do to build long-term, perhaps life-long relationships

Understanding Human-Computer Interactions: Design For Life

We live in a world in which we increasingly interact with computerized devices and gadgets in all aspects of our daily lives. The study of how people communicate and interact with computing technology is known as “human-computer interaction” or HCI, which considers how people utilize software systems, process information, and

5 Mistakes Leaders Unknowingly Make That Scare Their Employees To Death

Without even realizing it, most leaders do and say things that send employees into their “critter state,” where every decision they make is driven by fear. Here I reveal some of the subtle yet damaging mistakes we make — and how to fix them. Many leaders know that “command and control” is dead and that fear

To Age Well, Don’t Leave Your Brain On Autopilot

Usually, once they’re old, people don’t stimulate their brains much. From your brain’s perspective, it’s as if its boss doesn’t inspire it to work hard. A basic principle of your brain’s operation is that it improves when stimulated and declines without stimulation. Hopes and dreams are the greatest stimuli we can give

Happiness: The Best Diet You Can Go On

Our culture teaches that if you work hard enough at anything, you’ll be successful. Recent studies, however, suggest that hard work may not be enough when it comes to weight loss.
At a time when obesity is a national — and increasingly an international — epidemic, scientists are

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We believe that neuroscience is the next great scientific frontier, and that advances in understanding the nature of the brain, consciousness, behavior, and health will transform human life in this century.

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