
Thanksgiving: What You Ate and How You Did It!

Thanksgiving is fantastic! For many, it’s a nice time to get together and think about all the stuff that we are grateful for. We get to eat a lot, drink a lot, and hang out with people we like, a lot. So it’s no surprise that the traditional Thanksgiving feast is a splendor of high-class culinary achievement

The Happy School Campaign in South Korea

South Korea’s academic environment is extremely competitive, and many Korean people regard getting into a prestigious university as a prerequisite to success. This kind of atmosphere in society puts great pressure on young people, often resulting in extreme social problems like youth suicide.


In 2014, Americans are expected to spend a whopping 20% of their total income on their health. This will be a tremendous burden on the US economy, but it also…

To Scratch an Itch

It’s officially mid-July, and in the ever-humid concrete jungle that is New York City, mosquitoes swarm the streets looking for some nice, hot blood. Last week I had a blast…

BigBrain, BigPain, But So Worth It

Last month, researchers in Germany and Canada did something I would never volunteer to do. They created the first ever digital 3D map of the human brain. They called it…

Facebook is Driving Me Mental

When I initially joined Facebook about two years ago, I thought it was pretty fun. It was nice to reconnect with a bunch of people I’ve lost touch with over…


Entry from Ibrahim Toure, a participant of the International Brain Education Association (IBREA)’s fourth World Youth Leadership Program which took place from May 26-31, 2013 in New York. The program…

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