■ “I think I can, I think I can.”
__ This common mantra may have more power than we realize. According to the Brain Education center in New York City, the brain does more than help you to put one foot in front of the other – it is a powerhouse of potential and kinetic energy that, when mastered, can make anything manifest.
__ So how does one go about mastering their brain and harnessing their brain’s full potential? To answer questions such as this, while spreading awareness and educating others about the potential of human development through Brain Education, the International Brain Education Association (IBREA) hosted a 2-hour presentation at the United Nations on Thursday, March 19th. This ‘Brain Education for Human Development’ workshop was held in celebration of Brain Awareness Week. The event was also the official launch of Brain World magazine. The educational and interactive event was attended by array of guests, ranging from UN officials to graduate students.
__ Hosted by Ms. Katie Brisley-Logue, a Brain Education instructor, the event got underway with a reading of the Prayer of Peace, written by Brain Education founder Ilchi Lee, to illustrate the philosophy and greater purpose of Brain Education. Ms. Brisley-Logue then spoke briefly about the origin of Brain Education, and Ilchi Lee’s commitment to bring Brain Education to the United Nations in order to help spread its message of peace and betterment for humankind.
__ To lay the scientific foundation for the event, New York University professor and researcher Elkhonon Goldberg, Ph.D., gave a presentation on the brain’s structure and functions. With enticing 3-D images and accessible layman’s language, Dr. Goldberg conveyed the operational importance of the brain not only in our daily physical tasks, but our innate thoughts and emotions. It is from an understanding of how each region of the brain facilitates our physical, emotion, and cognitive well being that Brain Education is established.
__ Passion Jun, M.D. and Jennifer Sherwood, a Ph.D. candidate, elaborated on Dr. Goldberg’s presentation by elucidating on and connecting the functions of the brain to the principles and goals of Brain Education. The purpose of Brain Education is to maximize one’s full potential not only for oneself, but also for human development. The enhancement of our own potential, and that of others, creates a space in which all can achieve their full potential, building on human capabilities to attain global peace for humankind. To address this purpose, five steps are set within Brain Education: Brain Sensitizing, Brain Versatilizing, Brain Refreshing, Brain Integrating, and Brain Mastering.
__ It is through these five steps that people are able to tap their brains’ full potential, witnessing within themselves such growth as improved motor and sensory skills, concentration, enhanced creative power and adaptability, and a greater spirit for others. In essence, the well-being of the individual and collective requires a balance of these functions.
__ To conclude the presentation and demonstrate how Brain Education implements these five steps, Ju Eun Shin conducted some enlightening, albeit brief, exercises. Standing in the center of the room, Ms.Shin invited all of the attendees to get a sense of what the Brain Education center has to offer individuals, giving them a glimpse of the methods Brain Education uses to assist them in mastering the full potential of the brain. Ms. Shin lead the group through several relaxation stretches, which included reaching for your toes, stretching your sides, back and arms. Ms. Shin also led the group in abdominal warming and energy sensing exercises. Throughout the process, she explained the purpose of the exercises and how relaxation and stretching activates the brain. Those who participate in these exercises on a regular basis can experience a wide range of benefits, including more energy and stamina, enhanced memory and creativity, mental sharpness, better communication skills and a deeper sense of peace.
__ At the end of the event, participants were told about IBREA’s new $1 Project and its philosophy that each citizen of the earth has a responsibility to take care of their home and its inhabitants.
__ To delve further into to the benefits of Brain Education and broaden attendee’s perspectives, a resource table overflowing with Brain Education materials, including various magazines, pamphlets, and books to take home offered additional information. In the end, IBREA’s presentation about Brain Education left attendees with a feeling more powerful than “I think I can”: I know I can. bw