
The Mystery of Memory: In Search of the Past

How does the brain actually create a memory? Can we call up an absolutely pure memory like we do on the computer? Or is the act of remembering always to some degree recreating a new memory? What is the value of a good memory? If memory is the core of our self-identity, what will happen when scientists

Dementia: The Rising Dragon

Joyce had always been at the top of her class, from middle school through college. As a young woman in the 1950s, she was defiant toward the belief that women were second-class citizens, only good for staying at home with the kids. Due to her determination, she attended the best law school in the country

Curious, Committed, and Active: An Interview with Jane Fonda

Pray you look as good as veteran fitness goddess/activist/actress Jane Fonda does at 80 years old. Since the release of her first workout video in 1982,  Fonda’s 23 home exercise videos, 13 audio recordings and five books have sold more than 17 million copies. And the original “Workout” video remains the top-grossing home video

“Yanny” Versus “Laurel”: When Your “Reality” is Open to Interpretation

It’s the return of the great “What color is this dress?” controversy of 2015, but in audio form. By the time I had heard “Laurel” I immediately began researching the reasons for the differences of opinion. Some had said age matters, or what kind of speakers you are listening to with, or if you have some kind of hearing loss, but I had a chance to immediately put this to the test.

10 All-Natural Remedies for Pain Relief

Early on in my career as a professional fitness trainer, I realized that it was not the lack of will or desire that kept a large percentage of my clientele from reaching their fitness goals; it was the presence of chronic, debilitating pain. The most common types of pain limiting the client’s motion were neck and back pain, often related to injuries.

Aging with a Bilingual Brain

Adaptation of the brain could also be the reason older bilinguals with Alzheimer’s show fewer signs of cognitive malfunction than those who only speak one language. “The brain is more robust, its abilities and functionality are more distributed, so when Alzheimer’s begins to take effect, a bilingual’s brain

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