Even though the evidence for a link between cell phone radiation and brain tumors is not incredibly strong, it might still be best to minimize your exposure, as nobody has dared to say that it is nonexistent. For example, although the wireless companies proclaim gleefully that there is no hard scientific link, they still have their backs covered. Apple for one, writes in its literature that the iPhone should not be placed closer than five eighths of an inch from your body. That said, what can you do to reduce the amount of exposure?
Some of the obvious answers include texting and limiting the duration of your teenage children. If that fails, go to the headset. Even Bluetooth headsets have a lower power level, with Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values approximately 1,000 times less than the 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg) SAR limit in the US. Besides, as Dr. Knox notes, the power of RF radiation is inversely related to distance from the source—double the distance, and the power decreases by a factor of four.
Speaking of SAR values, you might consider buying a phone with a lower one. As the FCC website states, “SAR provides a straightforward means for measuring the RF exposure characteristics of cell phones to ensure that they are within the safety guidelines set by the FCC.”
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) kindly provides a database repository (www.fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid) that lists the maximum SARs for most phones. In the US and Canada, the maximum SAR is 1.6 W/kg body mass, while in Europe it is 2 W/kg. (The SAR for each cell phone is a measure of the maximum radiation output for that phone. Most phones attempt to operate at the lowest power level possible to conserve battery life. So while it is possible to decrease your SAR by buying a phone with a lower SAR value, the values listed in the database are not indicative of your second-by-second exposure during a call.) To check your own phone, you will need the phone’s FCCID number, which is listed in the manual or behind the battery of your phone.
There an app that can check the real-time SAR output on Androids and BlackBerrys: Tawkon claims to measure and collate RF radiation being emitted from your mobile device in real time, theoretically allowing you to move around and minimize radiation output and thus exposure.
In order to test this for yourself, one might check the app as you speak during a conversation, as the power output is highest when you transmit data. >>SUBSCRIBE TO READ CONCLUSION<<