How To Ensure The Mental Well-Being Of Your Employees



As an employer, you are well aware of the challenges that many of the people who work for you have faced in recent years. Many people are experiencing novel health challenges or dealing with serious events outside of work, so your employees’ minds may not always be focused at work. Nevertheless, the physical safety of your employees is always paramount — and this is of particular importance in the construction industry. Therefore construction insurance, or a type of insurance that is specific for your industry, can help employers cover their expenses in case an employee gets hurt while at work. This type of insurance, known as workers’ compensation insurance, will pay for medical expenses and income lost due to injury in the workplace. In the unfortunate case of a work-related death, this insurance will also cover funeral expenses.

Keep in mind that physical health goes hand-in-hand with the mental health of your employees. Even in industries in which people are perceived to be tough, like construction, as an employer you should not dismiss the possibility of the mental health challenges that your employees could be facing. Mental health conditions can absolutely affect an employee’s performance at work — and even have an impact on their body. Here are some things, which you can do as an employer, to help ensure the mental well-being of your employees.

Signs Of Mental Health Challenges

These mental health indicators do not imply that someone definitely is experiencing a mental health challenge; they are associations to keep in mind in case you have an employee that you are concerned about. They help to determine if someone working for you is dealing with a mental health challenge, so that you can take the necessary steps to help them. Some common signs include:

  • Absenteeism and lateness
  • Being easily overwhelmed or unfocused
  • Conflict with co-workers
  • Isolation from other workers
  • Low productivity

Provide Mental Health Education

Employees should know the importance of taking care of their mental health and how they can do it. It is important to provide resources or training to cover this topic, so your employees are better equipped to manage their mental well-being — and have the support they need — if they are facing a mental health challenge.

Show Support Of Your Employees

Be vocal and open about being there to support your employees. Definitely discuss the resources you have available at meetings and post them where they could easily be found, like on a bulletin board. Assure your employees that any personal information shared would be kept confidential, so that the act of even seeking help is not a barrier for your employees to discuss these concerns with you.

Consider Work Shifts and Workload

Being overworked without having enough time for rest can have a dramatic impact on mental health. Even in industries that rely on physical strength, like construction, the physical toll can often have psychological repercussions. Everyone gets tired, both physically and mentally, no matter how strong they are in body or in mind — and stress leads to both adverse physical and mental conditions. Too much time spent at work or being overworked can also impact personal and social relationships, as your employees may not be spending enough quality time with their families and friends.

Create A Relaxing Break Area

Step up your break area to make it as relaxing as possible, so your employees can rest properly during their break. This will also encourage your employees to spend their break time there together, thus preventing isolation, which can lead to mental health concerns.

Mental Health Has A Great ROI

Consider the mental well-being of your employees as an investment — it will benefit your business if your employees are productive and are in good mental health. This return on investment (ROI) in employee mental well-being has greater ramifications for your business — and bottom line — than you probably even aware of. So consider employee mental health as a sound investment!

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