A magazine dedicated to the brain.
We believe that neuroscience is the next great scientific frontier, and that advances in understanding the nature of the brain, consciousness, behavior, and health will transform human life in this century.
Some people might be able to focus on their task at hand — and filter out distractions. However, research is indicating that as we age — we’re not able to do this as easily — an aging brain is a distracted one. Even simpler things, things that we may take for granted when we’re younger, like sitting across from your friend and having
Did you know that research has found when you nod your head up and down at least 100 times a day, looking up at the ceiling and down at your toes, your vision will improve? You are strengthening the muscles in your neck and increasing blood circulation to the head and eyes. The stimulation from the neck also travels down the spine
We all know that subsisting on cheeseburgers and pizza is bad for our waistlines and our heart health, and we’ve been told from an early age to “Eat your vegetables — or there will be no dessert!” When we consider that two-thirds of Americans are now overweight or obese, the implications of current nutritional research are important
Most of us are afraid of aging, because aging means not being as active or efficient as we used to be. Incompetencies of aging create significant frustration and even feelings of hopelessness. However, studies have shown that while aging cannot be reversed, its effects can be decreased through a sustainable
A magazine dedicated to the brain.
We believe that neuroscience is the next great scientific frontier, and that advances in understanding the nature of the brain, consciousness, behavior, and health will transform human life in this century.
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