
The Neuroscience of Politics

One’s political beliefs are not exactly immutable, but this research helps us to better understand the biological underpinnings of an inclination that falls somewhere to the right or left of center. Of course, more research must be done to determine cause versus correlation.

Can Birth Control Thin Your Brain?

The advent of birth control has revolutionized the role of females in society: women now have control over when (and if) they want to have a family, allowing them to…

Electrical Brain Stimulation at Home

“Access to the human mind opens new possibilities to feel your best and do more. Thync products use neurosignaling to induce shifts in energy and calm states within minutes. Neurosignaling…

Keeping the Mind Youthful

I have a fear of losing my mind. Not in the crazy sort of way. It’s the fear of not being able to learn. Not being able to retain the…

How Your Brain “Takes Out The Trash” While You Sleep

For centuries, sleep has been more of a mystery to evolution than the duckbill platypus. Yet despite its weirdness, like every animal, even the platypus needs its zzz’s. Considering this unconscious function has been conserved across species and the fact that our brains are just as active during sleep

Skeptical Grain Brains

What does a healthy day of eating look like to you? Maybe whole grain toast with peanut butter for breakfast…. A quinoa salad for lunch…. Perhaps grilled fish and brown…

The Dangers of Synthetic Cannabis

Heart palpations. Hallucinations. Paranoia. Confusion. Increased blood pressure. Acute as well as permanent psychosis. 11,400 emergency room visits in a single year. Would you believe me if I told you that all of these symptoms can be caused by a legal drug? In fact, users have reported such effects after smoking Spice

Coffee Could Boost Your Memory

Ah, a fresh “crawford” — it’s what my friends call a coffee and a delicious vehicle for caffeine. What could be better than a fresh craw on a cold day? Well, it may help me remember that cute barista who served it to me. In a study published in Nature Neuroscience, researchers discovered one more of coffee’s perks

Coming to Terms With Fear

What is fear? Most people think of “fear” as the conscious feeling they get when in danger. I feel afraid when I’m standing on top of a mountain ledge. I’m scared when I hear a noise in an old building. Spiders of all sizes are frightening, and uncertainty is terrifying.

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