
Making Real Change

One of the ways to assess the impact of human activities on this planet is what is known as the “ecological footprint.” In order to stand, I need land the size of my two feet; that’s my footprint. In order to lie down, I need land the size of my body flat on the ground. Likewise, all human activities, even the

Progress and Resistance: The Global Press for Gender Equality

With the creation of the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in 1946, and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which explicitly sets forth the principle of equality of women, the U.N. system began its work on behalf of women by emphasizing the legal basis for the promotion of

Reaching For Gender Equality With Brain-Based Holistic Education

Out of 1,000 people, 504 are men (50.4%) and 496 are women (49.6%). We’re talking about half the world’s population. Vulnerable and disadvantaged women, and those who experience discrimination and inequality of any kind, need to be empowered if we are to achieve full inclusivity

Saving The World With Chimps

In the Disney documentary “Chimpanzee” we journey deep into the African rainforest — with its sprawling forests, wind-swept clouds, crackling lightning storms, and microscopic night creatures — and learn the story of a young chimpanzee named Oscar coming to terms with the loss of his mother, Isha, and his unusual adoption by

The Brain as Mediator: Exploring the Neuroscience of Conflict

In summer 2014, nearly 25,000 employees of Market Basket, a New England supermarket chain, walked off the job in support of their fired boss, billionaire Arthur T. Demoulas. Even customers, in support of the workers, stopped shopping at the chain. The two new CEOs first fired eight strike leaders, and then offered a series of ultimatums.

Mob Mentality: The Madness of the Crowd

While we probably dread the long lines on the city commute home from work, we’ll probably shuffle through the line, watching each other for directions and social cues. On any given day, you may find yourself trusting a random stranger for directions more than a bus station timetable or a gateway sign.

First Words: The World of Automated Storytelling

If you have recently read a financial report, sports game recap, or weather update, chances are that story was written by a computer. The process, commonly referred to as “automated storytelling,” involves running data through an algorithm which organizes that data into a readable story. The software is now widely accessible

“Brain Education” is a Universal Human Right

“Brain education” is a powerful and innovative educational process that every school system in the world can implement. Schools can begin by teaching students about their brains and the ability they have to choose to use their brains well for creating peace, health, and happiness.

Working For Change: An Interview with Bob Massie

When it comes to fatal diseases, Robert Massie is a triple threat, having survived hemophilia, HIV, and liver failure. Born with classical hemophilia, a painful disorder that causes repeating bleeding in the joints, he spent most of his childhood bound to leg braces and in wheelchairs. Where

Paradise Now! Humanity’s Quest for Utopia

It is only by first imagining a better world that we can begin to create it. Right now, in the face of a financial crisis, global warming and myriad human conflicts, a peaceful future may seem distant. But it is worth remembering that out of hard times comes real change. During the French Revolution

We Are Not Born With Bigotry

Lately, a serious discussion about systemic racism in the United States has finally become front and center in the public sphere, which caused me to reflect on a classic discrimination experiment done at the end of the 1960s by an elementary schoolteacher. Jane Elliott was ironing a teepee for a classroom activity

Feeling the Earth As Crucial to Our Lives

I believe that the two most important values in the 21st century are the Earth and the human brain. The Earth’s health is the only vision that is all-encompassing enough to overcome the ethnic, cultural, religious, and national tensions that exist. Only the Earth can become the central axis

Becoming a Global Community: Rethinking Our Relationship to the Earth

Until now, we humans have placed ourselves — and celebrated ourselves! — as the final arbiter of all living things on Earth, and organized our world accordingly. We have dealt with others, and with the Earth, under the premise that we are separate individuals, at war with one another and the world, surviving through

How Brain-Based Holistic Education Empowers Women

Out of 1,000 people, 504 are men (50.4 percent) and 496 are women (49.6 percent). We’re talking about half the world’s population. Vulnerable and disadvantaged women, and those who experience discrimination and inequality of any kind, need to be empowered if we are to achieve full inclusivity

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A magazine dedicated to the brain.

We believe that neuroscience is the next great scientific frontier, and that advances in understanding the nature of the brain, consciousness, behavior, and health will transform human life in this century.

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