
The Alchemy of Language

There is real evidence that learning a language improves our cognitive abilities, promotes intelligence, improves memory, as well as problem-solving and attention skills — all simultaneously (according to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages), and may even help prevent age-related brain

Coronavirus: What It Tells Us About Risk

“A newly discovered disease,” perhaps one of the worst possible articles to find in a sentence, particularly when you’re scanning the headlines. When people first read just a few short weeks ago about the Wuhan coronavirus — a respiratory virus that began infecting people in the mainland of China

How Poverty Affects A Growing Child’s Brain

There is an established body of evidence that suggests there are lifelong implications for children raised in poverty, and that there are unequivocal differences in the opportunities afforded to children raised in poor families versus those raised in more affluent families

Youth Mental Well-Being: The Key to Our Future

Today, about 1.8 billion of our world’s population is between the ages of 10 and 24, and half of the world’s population is under 30. Never in history have we seen so many young people. This brings about incredible potential and power for change. As they work their way through the norms of society

Combating Poverty Worldwide: How Neuroscientists Can Help

A study published in JAMA Pediatrics suggests that living in poverty might actually be quite expensive — at least in terms of health and development. In addition to the harrowing stress that comes along with being poor, the effects may be more deep-rooted — halting brain development in children.

Expanding Mental Health in Pakistan

Khusro Elley is the director of a psychiatric hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, which provides free treatment for the mentally ill. A former vice president of Ethan Allen furniture who has devoted himself to philanthropy, Elley opened a small nonprofit rehabilitation center for psychiatric patients in summer 2010.

It’s a Matter of Confidence: Brain Education in El Salvador

In today’s society, we are subjected to so much information and knowledge every day, information that we try to transmit to children in the best way possible. In that process, even without us noticing it, many kids can easily lose their identity, their own internal value. If we happen to be born

Power Against Violence: Brain-Based Education in El Salvador

Gangs, violence, sexual abuse, poverty. These are words that are commonly used in Tonacatepeque, an area located about 25 miles outside San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador. At the heart of Tonacatepeque lies Centro Escolar Distrito Italia, a school that is a haven of sorts for the

Do Human Beings Have A “Kill Switch”?

The term “kill switch” normally refers to a fail safe of some sort that brings a compromised system down. The term, insofar as it is used here, is meant to capture the unique anatomy and physiology that makes a psychopathic killer’s brain what it is. Can the switch be flipped in a normal brain? To understand what sorts of malfunctions

Future Babble: Why Pundits Are Hedgehogs And Foxes Know Best

The world was supposed to end in 2012 … prognostication is a rife, global passion and pundits provide inexhaustible commentary on the future — whether on the economy, climate change or anything in between. Journalist Dan Gardner peers through the lens of cognitive science to expose the predictions industry and show us

Losing Our Identity and The Need for Cultural Neuroscience

Hurricane Harvey saw tens of thousands of Texans forced from their homes. Two weeks later Irma saw 6.5 million Americans flee, clustering in uncomfortable shelters, a small taste of the refugee life experienced by 66 million people across the world today. Some Texas residents and Floridians experienced

Change Yourself, Change The World

Every year, young people from all over the world come together in New York City to participate in the International Brain Education Association’s World Peace Leadership Program. They meet with many officials from various organizations and country missions associated with the United Nations

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We believe that neuroscience is the next great scientific frontier, and that advances in understanding the nature of the brain, consciousness, behavior, and health will transform human life in this century.

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