Posts by Margaret Emory

The Divided Brain: An Interview with Dr. Iain McGilchrist

How many times have you been told, “Oh you’re such a left-brain person,” meaning you think logically, are good with numbers, very analytical, and so on? And upon hearing that summation, you long for the right brain’s creative, intuitive, artistic complements. Why can’t they be part of the equation, you wonder.

Brain Power: From Neurons to Networks

A child is born with about 100 billion neurons, the same amount that an adult brain has. What’s different is the amount of connections between the neurons. That’s what the developing brain is all about — firing and wiring and making connections. And that’s what our relatively young internet, or “global brain” — is all about, too.

Working For Change: An Interview with Bob Massie

Global, People, Stories

When it comes to fatal diseases, Robert Massie is a triple threat, having survived hemophilia, HIV, and liver failure. Born with classical hemophilia, a painful disorder that causes repeating bleeding in the joints, he spent most of his childhood bound to leg braces and in wheelchairs. Where

Healing Music: An Interview with Stanley Jordan

In a career that took flight in 1985 with commercial and critical acclaim, guitar virtuoso Stanley Jordan has consistently displayed a chameleonic musical persona of openness, imagination, versatility, respect, and maverick daring. Be it bold reinventions of classical masterpieces, soulful explorations

Using Brains to Build Healthier Communities

Conceived by Jill Bolte Taylor, the neuroanatomist who experienced a stroke in 1996 and went on to pen the best-selling memoir, “My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey,” The Brain Extravaganza! project resembles the popular CowParade but this time it’s about us … and our brains.