
Why Can It Be So Difficult To Lose Weight?

Many people want to lose weight — it could be to look good in the mirror — or due to having low energy levels. If you constantly feel exhausted and drained, then it’s possible that your weight is contributing to this health factor. If you are overweight, it also can be more difficult to find the energy that you need to get through the day. We all know that

The 5 Fundamentals For Brain Health

Even if you only adopt one of these habits, it will have a dramatic impact on the health of your brain throughout your life: here’s the five fundamentals for brain health.

Strengthen Your Well-Being (To Get Out Of That Slump!)

Maintaining a healthy body and mind is critical to living a long, healthy life. If you neglect one, the other will soon follow suit. Unfortunately, our hectic lives make it all too easy to overlook either our physical or mental health. Here are some ways to explore to get out of that slump and return to being your regular self.

8 Travel Tips For Smooth Trips In Retirement

It is never too late to experience the world! Whether you are 18 or 78, it’s nearly always possible for anyone who wants a taste of adventure. The only thing that changes will be how you do it. When you’re 18 years old, you might opt to hop on a plane and figure it out after landing. However, we understand that may be somewhat difficult when

Why Sleep Is So Important For Your Brain

Henry David Thoreau is quoted as saying, “Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.” I would revise this statement by replacing “happiness” with “sleep”

Shine A Light On Limitless Learning

The human brain has limitless potential. That’s what I realized as I transformed myself from someone who could never pay attention in school and took the college entrance exam three years in a row to someone who successfully completed a degree in clinical pathology.

Kindling Kindness: We Are Geared For Generosity

To be human is to be kind. Selfishness is learned. Scientists from Oxford to UCLA, Michigan and beyond are proving this and that the brain has areas for smiling and empathy, but not cruelty — which is always a disorder. Kindness — throughout human existence, science tells us that this has

Don’t Be SAD: 5 Ways To Manage Wintertime Depression

Up to 20 percent of people across the globe suffer annually from some form of seasonal affective disorder — better known by the acronym SAD — during the fall and winter months. Fortunately, feeling down during these seasons is for the most part manageable. Here are a few ways to stay upbeat

In Love With Love: The Science Of Love Addiction

Have you ever stayed in a bad relationship or repeatedly returned to an ex even when you knew it wasn’t a good idea? When you’re in a committed relationship do you wonder if you’ve chosen the right one? Have you ever fantasized about someone from your past, thinking you should have kept them around?

Are You Easy To Anger? What Neuroscience Tells Us

A recent neuroimaging study published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science offers a new look at the connection between the emotion of anger and the functional architecture of your brain’s neural networks. This research has now revealed an array of interconnecting brain regions that are all somehow associated with variations

Finding Your Purpose In Life

An article in the publication AdultSpan Journal tells us, “a focus on meaning and purpose provides a positive, optimistic perspective that is counter to disempowering views of aging based on losses and deficits.” For many years, gerontologists and sociologists have believed

Music, Rhythm, And The Brain

Music is part of our life. Music has had deep roots in human culture throughout history. Listening to, enjoying, or playing music sometimes gives us pleasure, sadness, comfort, and even touches us deeply, causing life-changing experiences. Why does music have such a powerful affect on our brain?

Improving Your Health While At Home

Taking care of your health can be a full-time job — even if you are in good health — however, it has become harder for those of us who have had to spend a great deal of time at home. Here are some things to consider about your health, if you are working remotely, taking care of family, or just spending more time than you did

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We believe that neuroscience is the next great scientific frontier, and that advances in understanding the nature of the brain, consciousness, behavior, and health will transform human life in this century.

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