

7 Things You Should Know About Your Attention During COVID-19

A lot of us may reflect on recent years with mixed emotions, as some of the deepest-rooted problems in our own society came to light for a number of reasons. A pandemic prompted a number of crises for both the economy and just about everything we thought we knew about ourselves.

The Need for More Mental Health Resources Across The Globe

At some point in their lives, most people have either suffered from depression or seen someone close to them suffer. Because it is such a personal issue, most people think of depression on a personal level. It is important to realize that depression is actually a global problem. It is the leading cause of disability

Caring For Your Hands And Feet As You Get Older

While we might focus on those new fine lines on our face, the new backaches, and the changes to our hearing and sight, how often do we talk about the ways in which our hands and feet can change? If you’ve been noticing they need a little more care lately, here are some of the reasons why and just what you can do about them.

Happy Teachers Make Happy Students

Implementing a brain-friendly, “happiness school” culture and informing teachers about how the students’ brains react in various social interactions in the classroom have positive effects on student learning and behavior. Faculty and staff training sessions have been conducted in these areas, and periodic training

Are Brain Games Effective?

Go into any bookstore and you’re sure to see them: entire shelves full of brain teasers, puzzles, crosswords, sudoku, etc. These books are loaded with all sorts of mental exercises and brain games that supposedly will improve your brain fitness and function simply by playing them. You can find thousands

Your Brain On Social Homeostasis: Reconnecting With People

With the number of COVID-19 vaccinations going up and quarantine restrictions being lifted throughout the United States, people are finally beginning to emerge from their homes to go to restaurants and movie theaters again for the first time in over a year. However, you might still be feeling reluctant to re-enter the world, even if you are

How To Keep Your Brain Sharp

A quick and sharp brain is important to be effective in everything from work, school, and even playing games. We rely on our brains for pretty much everything — and we generally perform the best when our brain is firing on all cylinders. Unfortunately, if you don’t use or challenge your brain as much as you once did — it might not be

Multa Cultura Cerebrum: Immigration And Your Brain

Here’s a quick trivia question for you: What is the motto of the United States? Is it A) “E pluribus unum” or B) “In God we trust”? The technically correct answer is “B” — the phrase that was legally adopted through a joint resolution passed by the 84th Congress and approved by President Eisenhower in 1956. While it previously had

Catch A (Brain) Wave

Your brain is composed of neurons, which deliver information to other neurons. In the process, they generate electrical changes, which gather and generate brain waves. Their frequency is a reflection of your brain activity, which can be measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG). Generally, there are four types of brain waves.

4 Simple Secrets To Brain Health

Don’t view stress as a problem, but as a challenge. A skier on a mountaintop may interpret her pounding heart, fast breathing and sweaty palms as fear or excitement. Every stressful situation creates physiological symptoms — but you can decide how to play it.

How To Prepare And Study For An Engineering Degree

Earning an engineering degree can open up a world of opportunity — with the discipline extending into every industry, one can work in just about any specialty in which they are passionate about. While your future will be full of options, undertaking and completing an engineering degree is a challenge even for the most intelligent and

Antibiotics: Their Impact On Your Health And The World

The discovery of antibiotics has had a significant impact on human health. Antibiotics have been used for decades to treat infections and illnesses in humans and animals alike. They play an essential role in fighting against infection-causing bacteria that cause illness or disease. If you waited for your body’s immune systems to fight off

How Your Brain Processes Language

Most writers forget that our brains have anything to do with the words we write — that writer’s block, passion and creativity are not solely the property of our suspicious unconscious. So how do we process language? And how does that neural activity translate into the art of writing?

Dumping Dimorphism: We Don’t Have “Male” Or “Female” Brains

Dr. Lise Eliot, a professor of neuroscience from the University of Chicago, has been analyzing the field for a long time — looking at three decades of research on gender differences in the human brain, only to come to a conclusion that at once seems groundbreaking and yet not really all that surprising: There are no significant

Why You Need A Primary Care Physician

Having a primary care physician is a no-brainer. Your regular doctor can keep you on track, provide access to specialists when necessary, and ensure that you have routine screenings, like mammograms for women or prostate exams for men. They can also help monitor your family’s health by linking conditions together through

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We believe that neuroscience is the next great scientific frontier, and that advances in understanding the nature of the brain, consciousness, behavior, and health will transform human life in this century.

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